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We are a Changan automobile agent export distributor with the advantage of supplying goods at the lowest price in the market. Overseas dealers can negotiate Changan national brand agent through us. The brands we represent include Changan Auto, Changan Kaicheng, Changan Nevo and Changan Deepal.

NEVO, occupying the position of “Digital Intelligence Evolution New Vehicle”, is a masterpiece of Changan Automobile’s transformation to the era of Digital Intelligence Vehicle, which will follow the trend of the times and lead the industry to change, join hands with the users to move towards a better future with the Digital Intelligence Evolution, and drive Changan Automobile to move towards the intelligent and low-carbon mobility science and technology company.
The brand logo of NEVO is based on 0 and 1, which are constantly evolving and compiling infinite possibilities. The leap from 0 to 1 signifies the expansion of everything from the beginning to the infinite, and it also symbolizes that NEVO adheres to the never-ending innovation and entrepreneurial spirit of Chang’an and continues to satisfy the infinite imaginations of the users for a better life.
In terms of design, NEVO’s LOGO image integrates the “square” and “circle” in oriental philosophy. The “circle” is inclusive, with natural beauty; the “square” is the law, symbolizing numerical intelligence and technology. With the concept of “circle”, the “square” shape is fused and molded, and between square and round, the emotion of warmth and coldness, the world is infinite, think about the future, and open up a whole new vision.
In 2023, NEVO will release A05, A06, A07 and Q05 products, bringing consumers new choices of quality and comfort and maximizing the satisfaction of consumers’ desire for a better life.